Just some little fun icons for stuff I've played. Made using this site!

placeholder text and all that. u know. im testing stuff dont look at me like that dude
Just some updates for how I'm going with games. Only things that I am playing currently though. You think I can remember how every single other playthrough of mine has gone?
23/02/23 - Several days ago I finally beat a few more fights in Devil Survivor, namely Naoya and the uhh. fly thing? I forgot his name but he was Very annoying to fight and I did not enjoy it because of all the fly things and how he makes your party members spawn MORE flies which resist EVERYTHING. Disgusting. Anyway I'm onto the fight with Belberith and the Shomonkai members, but I haven't re-attempted it yet because I think I needed a break. That stupid demon has an insane attack range, DRAINS physical so I can't use my strong phys attackers, restores health after every skirmish, and is only weak to the ONE element I haven't focused on because nothing else was weak enough to it to bother (that being Force, or the Zan skills). I'll get em some time..... Just very glad that they leave the free battles there for you to grind with, or else I'd probably be screwed. Eff Naoya for making me fight this guy to get to the "demon summoning server" or whatever. Why do I need to become the king of the demons anyway?
16/02/23 - Started SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked last week. Continuing my tradition of giving SMT/Persona protagonists terrible names, I called this main character "Bunger Sadman" (nickname "Weenor"). I'm at the last day already. Boy, Belial was a hella annoying boss, and I'm playing on EASY. I decided to go with Atsuro's route since it seemed like the best compromise, I've just started the day and looks like I'll have to fight Naoya. Hnnngh. Also WHO was going to tell me I could've given Mari's bag to KAIDO to save both her AND Keisuke?? I got so used to only jumping into situations at the last second and doing what the game told me to that after I saved Mari and had to watch a straight up incineration afterwards, I reloaded a slightly older file to save Keisuke instead (I have a soft spot for him, I don't like what he was doing but i GET it) and I still felt bad about it afterwards. This game is killing me.
January 23 - I set up Project Diva Megamix+ on my home computer!! Now I don't have to kill my laptop by deciding to increase the graphics quality a little, hehe. I also spent a bit of time trying out emulating F2nd on my laptop, which ran pretty well all things considered! I wish they kept the Diva Room feature in the newer versions and kept the style of unlocking songs and modules too. It's so charming and gives you more motivation to keep playing, yknow?